Aside from pulling it all together on the day, we're ready. Spiders and webs assembled, scary witch costume on the dressmakers dummy, creepy lanterns ready to hang in the dining room. Game materials ready: mummy wrap, ghost bowling, and my personal favorite - cluck. If you don't know how to play cluck, leave me a message and I'll explain. Hysterical for participants and observers alike.
This blog and I are having a small difference of opinion. For some reason, when I add links, it has decided to put spaces between them. I checked the template, everything is all lined up neatly like the first batch, and still, spaces between them. I'm applying for my handicapped license plate this afternoon. I am so technologically challenged, I have no hope of surviving in this highly technical world. If someone has a clue about why this is happening to me, and how to fix it, please share!
No word yet on my part in the Angel Tree play. We were instructed that we'd be informed by e-mail, I'm sure they do this so they don't see us cry. I'm sure the playbill will list me as something like "passerby #4". I'm sure this experience is going to send me into cardiac arrest. What was I thinking?
My girl down under has made the ultimate sacrifice to finance her trip up here for Christmas 2007. She's quit smoking. I'm not a good enough friend to make that kind of sacrifice. She is so getting the best present ever from me in 2007.
It doesn't get more random than this...
your having a halloween party with all the little gremlins????? good luck! lol
I'll bite...what's Cluck?
I love Halloween and yours sounds like fun!
Random posts are always the best. Clears the cobwebs out.
Hope I didn't offend with all the profanity on the post you read. It's usually not THAT bad! *wink*
Catch - Yes, Nana is hosting a halloween extravaganze for the grandgirls. It's part of my master plan to make them the most popular girls at school... superficial? Yes. I don't care.
Stacy - To play cluck you divide everyone into teams with one member being the rooster and the others the chicken. The chickens must search the house for hidden candy corn, once they find it, they can't touch it. They must stand and cluck at it until their rooster comes and fetchs it. Very funny. Kids really get into it, but adults are hysterical, especially if you make the men be the chickens (and you give them a beer first)
J - Thanks for coming by! No offense taken at your blog entry, it made me laugh! I love Halloween, my grandgirls aren't big enough for super scary yet, but just wait till they are!
Your party sounds great! Don't forget to take some photos on the big day.
As long as you're asking, I would love how to find out how to put a link in the comments section that just opens into a new page and does not navigate away from the blog. I can do it in the blog posts, but when I try the same html in the comments section it is not happy with me and refuses to accept my comment.
Is this your Aussie friend that was having a bad time several weeks back? Is she doing better now? What are you getting her (I won't tell, LOL)
Yes, Sunflower, this is my aussie friend who just had the worst week last month. I can't tell you what I'm getting her here! She drops by for a read from time to time!
Look Nanny, Kat's having a halloween party too!
Maybe Vern will cruise over for some idears, whatever that boy is planning is keeping me up nights.
Sounds like you are planning to have an absolute blast this halloween! We dont do halloween here by us! You have a nice blog - will catch up on the rest!
Your Halloween party puts me to shame. And I thought I was doing so well because we went pumpking picking yesterday!
Some of us were born to shop, some of us to change the world, I, Dr. Kate, was born to throw parties.
Welcome New Mom on the Block! I hope you come back whenever you feel like it.
Nice to see you here Nanny and Hoot, your blog cracks me totally up!
halloween looks like a great time!
...we would all have much more money if we just could quit smoking!!! That's what I need 2 do!
I know Starbender, I should quit smoking too, but it's probably not gonna happen. Thanks for stopping by!
Kat, your party looks so fun. You've gone allout - those grandgirls are going to love it.
I sure can't help you with the blog technicalities...anything I want done I just email to Quilly-Sister or Cindra, and they open my blog and do it!! LOL
P.S. Your 'random' works for me!
Not much work this little party, jackie, you should see what I do for graduations!
Kat, Blogger won't let me use html code in a comment, so I'll try to work around it. I right-clicked to view your source code and see one thing that might be causing the problem in your links. At the end of each link, you have these characters: < >. In between the < > characters in the single-spaced links, you have /li. In between the < > characters in the double-spaced links, you have just li -- without the /. I have no idea whether this could actually be your problem, but it's the only difference I see between the ones that work and the ones that don't. Maybe you'll be lucky and it'll be this easy to fix.
Love your Halloween party ideas. Very creative.
How...HOW Kat, how do you find the time to do all that? Your life is rich. And full! Wonderful.
I never, ever sleep.
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