"World Peace" the tag line of beauty queens and Christmas caroles. The battle cry of hippies. A mind set many of our world leaders find laughable. A state of being viewed as overly optimistic and unachievable by most of the world's population.
But this is the beginning of the season of miracles and I believe in the power of the written word. There is another old cliche that says you get what you ask for. Cliches become cliches because they're usually true. It's time for us to ask our world leaders to put down their weapons and bombs, and with the power of our numbers and our minds, to do what we've been admonishing our two year olds to do for centuries: "Use Your Words!"
The goal is for all of the blogging community to use November 7th as an opportunity to band together with a single topic: Dona Nobis Pacem - Grant Us Peace. You'll find a much more eloquent explanation at the originators site: http://mimiwrites.blogspot.com/2006/10/dona-nobis-pacem-in-blogosphere_12.html, or even at Quilldancers place. Take some time today to think about what peace means to you.
Thank you, Kat, for this lovely sentiment. Goosebumps and chills from Mimi. I'm linking this story to my post today if you don't mind. You are a beautiful blogger.
Mimi Lenox
Thank you Mimi, I hope we can pull it off.
I've been trying to figure out how to do this and get it on my blog - anyone can explain? I have a Mac, so that throws a wrench in the works. Thanks for any help!
Great post, Kat.
Sunflower - e-mail Mimi, she will be able to help you, her link is in my post.
Kat, I've downloaded from Mimi (sent their by my Quilly-Sister) and will go into my program to put signature on before Novemeber 7th. Great post. Thanks.
P.S. Good luck with the party!
Thanks Jackie! The party's about two hours away, we have everything ready with plenty of time to read blogs!
Good post Kat...Happy Halloween!
Great idea, great post Kat. Will check out the link,jus wanted to wish you a scary and fun Halloween, have a great party. (0_0)
Thanks Mrs. Jose and Sandy! Right back at ya!
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