Saturday, March 18, 2006


There is an entry in my baby book, in my sister-mom's handwriting, that says "Kathy never sleeps." The more things change, the more things stay the same. I won't say I "suffer" from insomnia, until quite recently, I truly believed I just didn't require as much sleep as everyone else. It didn't seem to matter how many nights I spent reading under the glow of a single table lamp, or creeping around dusting and picking up in the silent house, I was as alert and well rested the next morning as everyone else. Here in my middle age, it's different. Tonight for example, Princess is asleep on the couch behind me with the cat as usual, the dogs have gone to bed with Papa Bear and the only light in the house is the one from this computer. Not so different from the old days, the only significant change is me, I'm tired right to my bone marrow. I will be tired tomorrow and the day after that...

The Bean gets her surgery on Monday. A delicate subject, not suitable for public discussion, but, well, it's me. Bean's reconstruction of a body part that has chipped at her self-esteem for years is worthy of celebration and applause. I hope it is the magic she believes it will be.

1 comment:

Kat Campbell said...

Where did you get the idea that I don't care about punctuation? Of course I do, I care about all aspects of writing... and I can't see anything wrong with the punctuation in this entry at least.